Love is the answer. Always.
Love; that which rests with gentle ease in our heart center, waiting for us to come home. Love can be defined by a thousand different expressions, feelings, or emotions like kindness, empathy, collaboration. And yet, love holds one universal truth: Love is the answer. Always.

Though love is traditionally seen as the opposite of fear, perhaps fear is love that’s been hijacked from its true nature; a toxic wound in need of healing, compassion and lovingkindness. Fear is a “trick of the mind” that oozes the poison of hate, division, and judgment. Fear triggers us to react with fight, flight or freeze. What might happen if we choose to respond to fear with a loving choice? Rather than contract into “us vs the other”, we expand our vibration high in a place of integrity, civility, and responsible, radiant love. To hear more, listen to a conversation I had with my good friend Naomi Aeon, PhD, writer and intuitive consultant who, like me, believes love is the answer to everything. Find it on the Kjaer Weis IG feed.

Love is the source and the life force from which Kjaer Weis was born and rests in every product we create. Not easy. One thing I have learned throughout the journey: we are all empowered to make change. Choose Love. Always.

Kirtsten's Pick
The Beautiful Hydration Serum
A certified-organic, thirst-quenching Hyaluronic Acid and Polyglutamic Acid serum for softer, bouncier, more luminous skin.